Project Description
– Platane Tree
1.General Description:
This new project orients itself on the structure
and build of an ancient platane tree, approximately 250 years old, that is
located in the leisure park of the imperial castle of Laxenburg, nearby the boat
This tree with its majestic appearance, its wide
trunks, its giant crown, and its central root trunk whose thickness 3 people
barely can circumvent with outstretched arms, inspired me to give this
primordial image of this giant entity a new form.
At this translation into a new structure, like I
do with my precious stone art-trees, I keep with the original 8 main tree trunks,
which are formed by 32 thick wire trunks. The final size of this precious stone
art-tree will be at about 1 m diameter, at a height of 75 centimeters.
To have an image that works with a crown of thet
size, a great number of blossoms have to be used, here the giant number of
32.768 single blossoms. The single wire, on that the precious stone blossom is
filed up (impaled), must be very very fine – first, because the blossom has to
be able to swing freely as this gives the art-tree its lively appearance;
second, because of the sheer number of wires, as this will mean more than 65.000
wires in the central trunk and root. As the wires run full length spirally from
blossom to root tip, it also has to be quite long – 9 full meters per blossom.
The precious stone blossom lies impaled exactly in the half of a single wire.
2.1. The Crown :
32 blossoms form only one small twiglet.
=> 32 blossoms
4 small twigs form only one twig.
=> 128 blossoms
8 twigs form only a small branch.
=> 1024 blossoms
4 branches form only one trunk.
=> 4096 blossoms
8 trunks form the whole tree
=> 32768 blossoms.
Here a foto of a small twig in the process of
building up, with 16 blossoms :
2.2.The main
Trunk :
of all 65.536 single wires the main trunk is being formed and spliced, and
constitutes the middle and union between the 8 trunks and the 8 general roots.
2.3 The Roots:
Like the crown, only now in reverse order, the 8
general roots are produced, and in 5 stages are parted till the fine root tips
are reached, that also consist of 32 fine wire ends, same number as above with
the blossoms.
Nearly half of the time is used up with
accounting, numbering, and form-design, because at each parting an even and
correct number has to be used, or there could not be a balance and harmony
between the crown and the root.
3. Material :
3.1. The
Blossoms :
blossoms themselves are made out of drilled
emerald splinters in exquisite quality, in 4 general shades of emerald green hue.
The emeralds are in oval form, with size up to 3-4 milimeters, 2 milimeters
wideness and 1,5 milimeter height. The Emerald Stones have been purveyed at Mr.
Dr. Harald Hausa, precious stones main grossist in Vienna.
3.2. The Wire:
The fine silver wire for the blossoms is 0,25
milimeters in thickness, with a complete length of 294.912 meters (repeat, this
is 294 kilometers).
Each twig itself has an additional central core
wire of 1,8 milimeters strength for stability, with a summed up length of 180
combined weight of the silver wire is 105 kilograms.
The wire is made in an Austrian Silversmith and
Grossist Company, Ögussa Wien. I will use a 925 or 935 grade silver.
3.3. The
Ground Plate :
will have to be decided, either formed glass or stone.
4. Work
Description :
4.1. Blossoms
and Twigs :
each blossom ther will be used a 9 m wire, folded in the middle, the drilled
emerald centerpiece impaled, an after put in its place in the center, the wire
will be twisted spirally. When 2 blossoms are done, they themselves will be
twisted with one another for a good part of the length.
Afterwards the whole procedure starts anew.
Then this 2 times 2 are twisted together, and all stages are repeated.
Now we have already 2 times 4 twiglets,
that are twisted together, whis is repeated again and again twice (>> with
2x8 and 2x16 blossoms). Only then the first small twig will be done, with 32
Again 4 of these small twigs will be
united to form the first twig – with a new thicker core wire adding resilience
and strength, as well as giving more of the real trees sturdy appearance.
8 of these twigs form the first branch,
4 of these branches form the first trunk,
8 trunks unite to the main trunk.
4.2. The Main
Trunk :
The Main Trunk consists in structure of an upper
and a lower part, but this only has importance during the artistic process, as
in the finished work there are no discernible separate parts. The upper part is
the union of the 8 trunks, just like nature gave the blueprint, to a single main
trunk. In the lower part, invisibly, already spring apart the start of the 8
main roots, which are hidden inside the trunk and only more below can be
imagined before they can be seen.
4.3. The Root
this below-the earth system there is a main part of the work, as all wires have
to be counted to result in a correct and even number of smaller roots. Only this
way there is a guaranty that there will be an identical number of root tips in
even and natural distribution like the beginning above at the blossoms. The
first stage, the parting in 8 main roots, is the most difficult and most taxing
one. Afterwards it’s a little more easy, like the following graphic
Out of each main root there are de-twined 4 big roots,
that part in 8 smaller roots, each of these separate in 4 thin roots, of that
each possessing 32 root tips.
4.4. The Base
my plans and instructions build the plan for the glass artist or the stone mason.
5. Estimated Timetable :
projection is to fulfil the work of art in 4-5 years, as countless hours and
controlling are involved. Hastyness and carelessness have no place at all, as
one mistake may be completely impossible to “unwind”.
6. Got Passion and
Interest to purchase such a work of art and have it custom-made just for You ?
7. Interest awakened to have Your Personal
“Tree of Dreams” made ?
You have the unique – and I mean really singular in the world – possibility,
to choose freely the number of blossoms, kind of precious stones, structure,
make of the baseplate and design. Individually designed trees to fit exactly
your taste, fit the designated location for the intended art-tree in Your home,
or fit the intended public use.
the calming effect by watching and feeling such a tree they are absolutely
perfect for reception rooms, lobbys, conference rooms, libraries, meditation
rooms, or simply the best eye catcher that no one else has (or can have) in Your
Penthouse or Yacht.