The sound of two worlds



A sound,

vibrating, drifting,

it permeates space –

and me.

oscillating movements,

his echo,

flood the universe –

as well as my self on this earth.

a melody,

quiet, trembling and inevitable,

born of his spirit –

lets me go on a voyage with him.

salty water

and complete restfulness,

accompany the leaving behind

of the sensations and feelings of my body.

only eternal breath,

that mingles with mine,

streams in and out-

if i sing the one sound...

if i sing this one sound,

streams in and out-

with his -

breath alone.

my body´s sensations and feelings,

the leaving –

accompany, in perfect restedness,

salty waters.

let me go with him,

with a quiet, trembling melody

born of his mind.

my mundane self,

and the universe´s

echo out of him –

are in oscillating motion.

him and me,

permeates space, thriving, vibrating –

a pure sound.



On this page you find 3 audio samples

Of my playing with the monochord tohether with my overtone singing.    ( mp3´s )


monochord (overtone harp) solo     ( 550 KB )


                            overtone singing without accompanimentohne  ( 245 KB )


                                                   overtone singing with monochord  ( 623 KB ) 

                                                                           this peace is actually the beginning of the track :”for Jumper the Squirrell”



For those of You that have access to a fast internet connection, I put one of my songs completely in the net. (to download rightclick and go in the context menu to “save under”)



            for Jumper the Squirrell” (complete version)        ( ~ 10 MB )



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